From the course: Ethical Hacking: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots

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Understand Linux IPTables

Understand Linux IPTables

- [Narrator] Linux provides basic firewall capability through the use of a program called iptables. Iptables is one of the set of rule based firewall modules in Linux, the other being ip6tables, arptables, and ebtables. Let's check what rules we have set up in the iptables firewall in our Ubuntu system. The command my minus L tells iptables to list its rules. The minus n switch requests numeric format, the minus v means verbose, so we get as much information as possible. We can see that there are three sections listed, all with no entries. These are called the input, forward, and output chains. The input chain contains the rules controlling what addresses and ports can be used for data coming into the computer. This provides protection against a botnet or a hacker trying to break in. The forward chain provides rules telling iptables to take data coming in and pass it straight through to output on an outgoing address and port. This is used when we're just switching traffic. The output…
