From the course: Ethical Hacking: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots

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- [Instructor] Einstein was developed by the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team as an intrusion detection system for monitoring the network gateways of government departments and agencies for unauthorized traffic. It was intended to provide situational awareness of network threats. Einstein was designed to be the primary cybersecurity system that would provide four major security capabilities to the federal government: intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, data analytics, and information sharing. The first version of Einstein, Einstein 1, was deployed in 2004 and was limited to monitoring traffic flows. In 2008, Einstein 2 was released with an enhanced capability of checking content. By 2010, the Department of Homeland Security was planning for the design and development of Einstein 3. This would be an intrusion prevention capability which could identify and block cyber attacks. It would use classified signatures to protect government networks. However, with the advanced…
