From the course: Equity Framework: A Guide for Managers and Leaders

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Unpacking power dynamics

Unpacking power dynamics

- Now let's dive into a topic that is at the core of creating positive change within organizations. Unpacking power dynamics. So what exactly are power dynamics? Well, power influences relationships and interactions between individuals and groups. It's like an invisible force that shapes decision making, communication, and overall organizational culture. Think of it as the currents beneath the surface that can either propel your team forward or create turbulence. Now, why should you care about understanding power dynamics? Simply put, recognizing these dynamics is the first step toward addressing inequities. When we're aware of who holds power, how it's wielded and its impact, we can work towards creating a level playing field. As leaders, we know power isn't just about titles, it's about influence. Someone might have positional power, but another might have informational power stemming from their experience. Understanding this helps us to see how power is distributed in various forms…
