From the course: Equity Framework: A Guide for Managers and Leaders

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Mitigating power imbalance

Mitigating power imbalance

- I once worked with a leader who was head of sales, and let's just say that person had a strong personality. As a department head, they were a high-performing individual. But as a leader, they left a lot to be desired. Unfortunately, this created a culture of toxicity and power imbalance on the team that resulted in 60% of the team choosing to leave the organization because they couldn't work with this person. That's why it's crucial to embrace an inclusive leadership style. Actively seek input from all team members, and commit to ensuring that your decisions reflect a variety of viewpoints. Otherwise you risk losing talented individuals, like that head of sales did. One way to do this is to pair people from overlooked groups with experienced mentors. This can look like sponsorship programs where leaders actively advocate for, and support the career growth, of underestimated employees. It can also mean being a sponsor for an employee resource group that factors in their members'…
