From the course: Equity Framework: A Guide for Managers and Leaders

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Fostering equity in teams

Fostering equity in teams

- Want a more collaborative, creative, and cohesive team? Want your team to solve problems together and perform well? Equity is the key. Here's how to foster equity on your team. First off, institute personalized check-ins. Make it a routine to have one-on-one meetings with each member on your team. This isn't just about work progress, it's about understanding their unique challenges, aspirations, and perspectives. These insights will help you tailor your support and opportunities to each individual's needs. Next, focus on skill-based task allocation. When assigning task or projects, look beyond the obvious. Consider the diverse skill sets within your team and assign roles that allow each member to shine and grow. This approach not only brings fresh perspectives to the table, but also promotes a sense of fairness and recognition. Then there's the practice of inclusive brainstorming sessions. When you gather your team for brainstorming, make sure every voice is heard. Sometimes it's…
