From the course: Equity Framework: A Guide for Managers and Leaders

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Fair processes that increase productivity

Fair processes that increase productivity

- Remember our MAP framework? Proactive participation, the heartbeat of MAP comes into play as we involve employees and talent management decisions such as onboarding and orientation, succession planning, performance management, engagement, compensation, and benefits. Embrace diverse perspectives in decision-making processes, ensuring that the workforce has a say in shaping talent management practices. These are some of the steps you can take to help foster proactive participation. Step one is to assess how your employees feel about leadership decisions, growth opportunities, recognition and benefits, and then to cross-reference this with demographic data. For example, if your assessment determines that employees belonging to the majority demographic feel very positively about the company, but other demographics have less positive experiences, you can use these findings to create a strategy to minimize the gap and understand the opportunity. Use these metrics to create standardized…
