From the course: Equity Framework: A Guide for Managers and Leaders

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Conflict resolution and equity

Conflict resolution and equity

- Now, conflict in the workplace is as common as your morning coffee or tea. But when it comes to equity related issues, you need to handle them with care. These conflicts can be especially sensitive and mishandling them may perpetuate inequities and could even lead to serious consequences for an organization. And guess what we can use to lead us in the right direction? That's right. Our tried and true MAP Framework comes back into play. First up, metrics. Before diving into conflict resolution, let's success the situation. What are the metrics telling us? Are there reoccurring patterns of conflicts involving certain groups? Understanding the metrics is like diagnosing the issue. It helps you to pinpoint the root causes. Metrics provide the data needed to approach conflict resolution in an informed and targeted way, and allow for unbiased understanding, which is crucial for coming to an equitable determination. Next in the MAP Framework is accountability. Who is responsible for…
