From the course: Equity Framework: A Guide for Managers and Leaders

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Accountability: Measuring equity progress

Accountability: Measuring equity progress

- It's one thing to talk about commitment to fairness and inclusivity, but how do we translate that into real, tangible results? I mean, how do we establish mechanisms to measure and track progress in advancing organizational equity? First things first, let's talk about setting clear equity goals. You need to define what equity looks like for your organization. What are your specific aims? Is it increased diversity in leadership roles or more inclusive recruitment practices? Once these goals are crystal clear, they become much easier to track and achieve. Next, develop metrics and KPIs for each goal. Establish key performance indicators that will help you measure progress. These could include metrics like the percentage of diverse hires, participation rates and inclusivity training, or employee satisfaction scores. Remember what gets measured, gets managed. Then establish regular reporting and reviews. Schedule periodic reviews of your equity goals and KPIs. This could be monthly…
