From the course: Employee Engagement

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Show them you care

Show them you care

- Let me ask you a very important question. When is the last time you showed somebody you manage that you care about them? When I ask that question to workshops, I usually get an overwhelming silence. You see we have a problem. Most of us are running at 75 miles an hour all the time. And when we run 75 miles an hour, we tend to give people attention only when we don't like something, so we ended up criticizing or micro-managing and nitpicking. And you know what? We generate disengagement in the process. While our self-talk is that we care about people, we often fail to show it, and that's the deception. Our self-talk, our silent thoughts, don't matter, only our actions do. We assume employees know we care about them, but our actions don't live up to our self-talk, and that's a problem we want to fix. Here's a simple exercise. Every day, make it a point to show one person that you care about them. That's it, just one…
