From the course: Employee Engagement

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Provide opportunities for career growth

Provide opportunities for career growth

From the course: Employee Engagement

Provide opportunities for career growth

- Have you ever been stuck in what feels like a dead-end job? How engaged can you possibly be? Probably engaged enough to know that it's time to find a new job. One of the top three reasons cited for disengagement is the lack of growth opportunities. Most of the best employees want to grow in their career, but many of them are in a place where that's not easy to do. They feel stuck and that's disengaging. The challenge is to figure out how to encourage and retain top quality employees who want to advance. Let's take a position like a cashier at a retail store. Most folks in that job get up to speed pretty quickly. So the question then becomes, how long do you want them to do that job? Now some managers will say, as long as they keep doing a good job, they can stay right where they are. And that may be exactly what some of those employees want to do. A person can be fully engaged in their work if their psychological…
