From the course: Empathy at Work

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Perspective: A lens for empathy

Perspective: A lens for empathy

From the course: Empathy at Work

Perspective: A lens for empathy

- Let me ask you a question. What are the Olympic Games? You may respond, it's an international sporting competition. Of course that's right. But what else is it? It's a spectacle, the opening and closing ceremonies feature wonderful music and dancing from the host country. It's a marketing frenzy. Companies launch new commercials during the Olympics, so we get to see some great advertising creativity. It's a party. Lots of people invite family and friends to watch the games in their homes. The Olympic Games are all these things and maybe others I haven't even thought of. And if you can see that single event from multiple perspectives you're on the road to empathy. This doesn't always come naturally, so here's some tips to develop perspective-taking skills. First, make a movie in your mind. Be the director. Consider a variety of possible angles. Next time you're in a meeting imagine how other people view the…
