From the course: Email Marketing: Drip Campaigns

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Using website pop-ups

Using website pop-ups

- [Instructor] Have you ever seen a notification pop up in your browser from a company and wondered, "How did this work?" Web push notifications show up on your laptop, mobile, or desktop device to those who have subscribed to them. When someone visits your website, you can have a popup that prompts them to sign up to your push notifications. You can then deliver targeted messages. Let's have a look at how you can set this up for your website. SendPulse is an example platform that you can utilize to actually send web push notifications. When you sign up for a SendPulse account, you can actually go and click on Web push notifications. This will allow you to quickly and seamlessly set up a campaign for web push notifications for your website. Once you are in the inside of SendPulse, it will prompt you to actually create your first push. If you scroll down, you should see where it says Add a New Website. Here it gives you…
