From the course: Email Marketing: Drip Campaigns

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Retargeting techniques

Retargeting techniques

- [Speaker] Product retargeting can be extremely effective. It gives your customers a second chance to make a purchase of a product that they may have been strongly considering. Product retargeting is when you market a product to an individual who's already shown interest in it. You can remarket to customers who have added a product to their cart, who have clicked a specific link, or who have visited a specific webpage. I'm going to give you a practical example of how product retargeting could work for you and your business. For this example, I'm using a web bar. Within a web bar, you can create automations for your list. For example, when someone subscribes to your list and then makes a purchase, you might want to put them on a different list. You can use list automations as a way to unsubscribe someone as a prospect and subscribe them as a customer. This is one benefit to creating multiple lists. You can also use this…
