From the course: Email and Newsletter Marketing Foundations

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Optimizing and testing your emails

Optimizing and testing your emails

- What day of the week should you send out your emails on? What subject lines will get better open rates? These are all the eternal questions when sending out emails for marketing campaigns. And the only way to get answers is through good old trial and error. You have to get started sending in order to test and iterate. Iteration is the act of repeating a process to generate a sequence of outcomes with the aim of approaching a desired goal, target, or result. In the beginning having a thorough understanding of your audience will be helpful in what you send and when. Then as time goes on you'll be able to learn which emails perform better and why. One of the best ways to test out specific variables in your email campaigns is through A/B testing. A/B testing allows you to send different versions of the same email with one changing variable. Variables such as subject line, content, or send time. Most email marketing services like MailChimp have this feature. And this may be something…
