From the course: Email and Newsletter Marketing Foundations

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Maintaining healthy email lists

Maintaining healthy email lists

- Maintaining your email list is the key to a healthy and effective email marketing strategy and it really goes with the old saying, if you don't use it, you lose it. Your list is a collection of people who have subscribed to hear from you by providing their emails and this is a privilege. By taking care of this list, you're ensuring it stays up-to-date so that it can be an effective part of your marketing strategy. Here's what I mean by maintaining your list. First, get permission. Everyone on your list should have opted in to get emails from you. If you are unsure if you should add a person to your list, ask them. Second, it's recommended to keep one master list. This means that every single subscriber you have is on this list. Then, you can use groups to organize and further segment your subscribers. Here you can see Hansel and Petal has three lists. They have their Hansel and Petal monthly newsletter, they have their Hansel and Petal customers, and then they have their free…
