From the course: Email and Newsletter Marketing Foundations

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Defining email marketing

Defining email marketing

- I'd wager a bet that you have been doing email marketing in your business without even knowing it. Email marketing is a form of direct marketing that uses email as its main medium of communication. This means that you right now most likely have emails or newsletters in your inbox that a company created and sent out to you for their own email marketing campaign. Basically, any email that you send to a potential or current customer can be considered email marketing. The goal with email marketing is to cultivate a relationship with your customers. Start thinking about the types of emails you can begin to send out to your customers or people subscribed to your email list. To get started with email marketing, here are some first steps. First, find businesses in your industry that are doing really neat things in the marketing space. I always recommend taking a look at what these players are doing in your industry. Often, they work with expensive marketing firms that use cutting edge…
