From the course: Email and Newsletter Marketing Foundations

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Considering the advantages

Considering the advantages

- Whether it's Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook, everyone has an email address. Simply put, this is the dream for marketers since email delivers the highest ROI out of any marketing method. Let's dive into the key advantages of using email marketing in your business. As you watch, I want you to consider which advantages most relate to you. First, email marketing is a must have today. It's expected. Email is a professional marketing medium, and people expect to receive information about products and services through that channel. Studies show that 72% of people prefer to receive promotional content through email as compared to 17% who prefer social media. The second key advantage is that it's accessible to any business big or small. Email marketing, at it's heart, is inexpensive. Unlike Facebook advertising, you don't have to pay to get in front of your customer. Granted, you will need to use an email marketing provider, someone like MailChimp in order to send our emails and maintain…
