From the course: Email and Newsletter Marketing Foundations

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Building a high-performing email

Building a high-performing email

- What's the difference between an email that gets a ton of opens and clicks and one that goes straight to spam? The difference can actually be very small. That's why I wanna go over the elements that can contribute to a high performing email. Let's get started. I'm in the MailChimp account for Hansel & Petal and what you see here is an email that I've setup. This specific email campaign is promoting their Mother's Day special. You can see the big logo at the top and this really grabs your attention. This helps customers recognize the brand Hansel & Petal. Below that is a large header and that captures their attention to continue reading. It's giving them a little bit of a teaser. It's letting them know that there's only five days until Mother's Day and that they need to take action. Below that is my offer. It's that they can receive 25% off all Mother's Day orders. And below that I share some images of the floral arrangements that they could potentially buy for mom. This is really…
