From the course: Email and Newsletter Marketing Foundations

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Adding email to your marketing strategy

Adding email to your marketing strategy

- Adding email into your existing marketing efforts can be seamless while increasing your brand's awareness, driving traffic to your website and boosting your bottom line. Your first step to integrating email marketing is to define your marketing objective. Basically, that's determining what the nature of your email campaigns will be. For example, you could decide to focus on newsletters that drive brand awareness and keep customers and prospects up-to-date on your business, services or products. In those newsletters, you could include recent company blog posts, upcoming events or unique content catered to your audience. As always, start simple. It can be totally overwhelming beginning your email marketing on top of everything else you have to focus on in your business. But as you learn the tools, test your campaigns and become more familiar with email marketing then you can add more complexity. As you begin to add your email marketing into the mix, an important piece will be…
