From the course: Electronics Foundations: Semiconductor Devices

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Use a BJT as an amplifier

Use a BJT as an amplifier

- [Instructor] Transistors have two fundamental applications, building electrically controlled switches and amplifying electrical signals. Now, although I frequently use transistors as switches, I'll admit I rarely use individual transistors to build amplifiers because in day-to-day circuit building, it's a lot easier for me to use another type of active component called an operational amplifier, which I'll cover later in this course. That said, even if you never build an amplifier out of BJTs, it's helpful to understand how they work because transistors are a fundamental component behind active circuits. An amplifier is an electronic device that can increase the power of a signal, meaning the signal coming out of an amplifier has more power than the signal that was put into it. Now, an amplifier just can't magically create that power out of nothing. That's not physically possible. So it will need to get its power from…
