From the course: Electronics Foundations: Semiconductor Devices

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Protect against large signals

Protect against large signals

- Some electronic circuits are sensitive and their components can be easily damaged if they receive too large of an input signal, much like how loud noises can hurt my sensitive ears. If somebody is speaking to me at a reasonable volume, - Hey, Baron, how are you? - I'm doing fine, Ray, thanks. That's fine. But if Ray's yelling in my ears, - Who are you talking to? - that's too loud and it can damage my ears. So I need a way to protect myself from those loud noises, like earmuffs. - I still don't know who you're talking to. - [Baron] When working with electronics, a clipper circuit can be used to protect sensitive equipment by limiting the amplitude of input signals. The clipper will remove any parts of a signal that are above or below a certain threshold voltage. For example, the equipment I'm using right now to record this video uses an amplifier to boost the audio signal coming from a microphone, and then it sends…
