From the course: Electronics Foundations: Semiconductor Devices

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Protect against flyback voltage

Protect against flyback voltage

- [Instructor] An inductor is an electrical component that stores energy in a magnetic field when current flows through it. And the inductor will oppose any changes to the amount of current passing through it by very rapidly absorbing or releasing that energy. An inductor wants the current through it to remain constant. Now, it's not just inductors that do that. There are lots of electrical components that exhibit inductive behavior, such as motors. An electric motor contains a bunch of tightly ground coils of wire, much like an inductor. And it stores and releases energy in a similar way. From an electrical standpoint, a motor looks similar to a resistor and an inductor in series with each other. Now, that's not saying that if you stick a resistor and an inductor together you suddenly have a motor, they're very different components. But when a motor is used in a circuit, electrically to the rest of the circuit,…
