From the course: Electronics Foundations: Semiconductor Devices

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Continue your journey with electronics

- Thanks for watching this course. I hope that you've enjoyed it and that it's given you a better understanding of how to use diodes, transistors and op amps. The examples I've shared are just a small sample of the many ways those components can be used. So I recommend finding a good set of resources for circuit ideas as you continue to learn about electronics. The internet is a good place to start because there are hundreds of websites where people have posted their own circuit designs. Some of those designs are good, some of them not so much. But even the lousy ones can serve as inspiration for your own better ideas. I've included a list with a few of my favorite websites for electronics information in the exercise files. If you're more of a book person, then I recommend "The Art of Electronics". This is widely considered to be the go-to book for electronics. It's loaded with circuit examples. And in fact, many of…
