From the course: Electronics Foundations: Semiconductor Devices

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BJT characteristics

BJT characteristics

- [Instructor] There are several varieties of bipolar junction transistors that are rated to handle different amounts of voltage, current, and power for different types of applications. For every different type of NPN transistor, there's a complementary PNP counterpart with similar characteristics to go along with it. For example, the BC547 is a common NPN transistor that works well for low-powered applications with moderately high voltages in current. Its PNP counterpart is the BC557. The BC337 and BC327 are another complimentary pair of transistors that can handle a bit more current than the BC547 and 557. The TIP29 and TIP30 transistors are designed for medium power switching applications and can dissipate up to two or three watts. And they're high powered cousins, the TIP3055 and TIP2955, can dissipate up to 90 watts. For this video, I'll dive into the data sheet for a transistor known as the 2N3904,…
