From the course: Effective Collaboration Across Teams

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The six greatest challenges for cross-functional teaming

The six greatest challenges for cross-functional teaming

From the course: Effective Collaboration Across Teams

The six greatest challenges for cross-functional teaming

Does this sound familiar? Well, if they would just get their act together or we just don't work together well. You might have even said something like this, "To get better at cross-functional collaboration, we need to dig deep and get specific on what's preventing the partnership from thriving at its best." I want to share with you the most common collaboration barriers I've seen across functions. First, miscommunication and misunderstanding. I know this is often a catchall category, and sometimes communication is a symptom of a bigger problem. Each function may have its own jargon, technical terms, expectations, and communication styles and tools. One client I worked with had three different collaboration platforms and over 100 Slack channels, just between three departments. Miscommunication and misunderstandings can easily arise when different teams struggle to convey their ideas effectively, don't have shared communication norms, or can't understand each other's requests. Two…
