From the course: Effective Collaboration Across Teams

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Prioritize skills for creating value across teams

Prioritize skills for creating value across teams

From the course: Effective Collaboration Across Teams

Prioritize skills for creating value across teams

In the last video, I shared a story about two teams, engineering and product management, that struggled to work together. When I began my work with them, we identified and addressed common challenges faced by any cross-functional collaboration. One of those was the time it took for the product management team to translate customer analytics into usable information the engineers could synthesize into ideas to improve the product. When I asked the teams why they weren't able to analyze their respective data in a reasonable amount of time, there was an awkward silence. They looked sheepishly at each other, and then one of them turned to me and said, "Well, we're not really good at that." For your cross-functional collaboration to create the value you've identified, it's going to require skills to build together that neither team has on its own. There may well be skills your teams are already good at that will enable your partnership to thrive. But there may also be areas where you lack…
