From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

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When you should protect your ideas

When you should protect your ideas

From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

When you should protect your ideas

- It's common to see first-time creators be protective of their ideas. They don't want to share pictures and the prototype on social media, and when they test their product with customers, they make them sign NDAs. And in some industries, this is the norm, but in other industries, this is the exact opposite of what you should do. Really, this varies wildly. And in some industries, this is the norm, but in other industries, this is the exact opposite of what you should do. Really, this varies wildly. The first thing you should do is some research in your industry. As an example, in the hobby board game market, everyone shares everything they're working on, the concept, prototypes, pictures, and feedback, sometimes for years before the product comes out. In the mass market for toys and games, nobody shares their ideas. They're all top secret until they're on store shelves. A lot of this comes down to how difficult it…
