From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

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- There's one framework that I find valuable to consider while you explore different business models and that's thinking about going vertical. Going vertical in business means owning more of the process. As an example, in recent years, Amazon has gone more vertical by not just reselling Duracell and Energizer batteries; they also started creating their own battery brand called Amazon Basics. They now not only make money from selling batteries, they also make money by manufacturing their own battery; they've become more vertical. Let's start by thinking about how a product gets created and arrives at someone's house. There are several large steps: extracting, creating, and refining the raw materials, manufacturing those in factories, overseas shipping, warehousing the products, purchasing at a website or a retail location, and then fulfillment if you're shipping it from a website. So let's say a product sells for $15…
