From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

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Uncover pain points

Uncover pain points

- While you're creating personas, you need to think about that persona's desires and obstacles to those desires. We call those obstacles pain points. Let's go back to the Outlery example from the previous video. Remember, they're targeting environmentalists which is a great persona to think about. Their main pain point is trying to avoid single use plastic cutlery, but let's dig deeper into what that means. They might forget their cutlery at home, they might have portable cutlery, but don't have a good enough container to keep them away from clean items, they might worry about knives being thrown out by airport security, like TSA, and they might just have hard to wash cutlery. I came up with this list in just five minutes. If you really understand a target market, you should be able to list a ton of potential pain points. Once you've written down your pain points, you can try to solve some of these pain points with…
