From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

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Sell on marketplaces

Sell on marketplaces

- The hardest part of e-commerce isn't the technology, manufacturing, or even the complex web of taxes. The hardest part is getting potential customers to notice your products. It costs money to get ads, and it takes a lot of time and effort to get your website to the top of a search engine results page. That's part of the reason why many e-commerce merchants sell on marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. While I'm a huge proponent of having your own online store for your own financial stability, some very successful merchants make a majority, or even 100% of the revenue on marketplaces like Amazon. Part of the draw with these marketplaces is that they've become the default place to purchase products. According to this study, 49% of all consumers start their product searches on Amazon. That includes people who rarely or never shop online. If you remove those people, it's actually 58% of consumers. And it's pretty obvious…
