From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

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- We just talked about drop shipping, which is a modern twist on retail. In this video, we're going to explore reselling, which is the archetype of e-commerce and retail. With reselling, the reseller buys products from wholesalers, distributors, or manufacturers, and then they sell them through their own store for more than they bought them for. Functionally speaking, you have your own website, where you accept orders and fulfill them yourself. You also have to store the products. The big benefit is you're selling other people's products. and you don't need to manufacture them. Let's talk about some of the benefits to reselling. The first benefit is that most of the products people want to buy already exist. If you're an expert in an industry, then you already know which products are in demand. You don't have to spend a ton of money on R&D to develop new products. You know what works and you can sell it. So if you're…
