From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

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Prevent counterfeit products

Prevent counterfeit products

From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

Prevent counterfeit products

- If you start selling products, I congratulate you. You've done it. Now you have a new challenge, especially if you had a really successful Kickstarter campaign, Amazon product page, or marketing campaign. The downside of having a major success is there will be people who create counterfeit products. Yes, if you have success in e-commerce, someone will likely want to counterfeit you, and it used to be a massive problem. Here's one of the more high-profile cases. An entrepreneur appeared on "Shark Tank" and saw a modest bump in sales. Only five weeks later, their customer support received weird feedback. The product was breaking in ways they never heard of before. To make this story short, a counterfeiter made low-quality counterfeit products and sent them into Amazon. Customers who thought they were buying legit products were instead being sent counterfeit products and this could have a massive impact on your business.…
