From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

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Competitive research

Competitive research

- I'm always a little reluctant to share strategies and tools for competitive research. I want to make sure that you have a thesis for your own store and why it should work first and then I suggest doing a little competitive research. Having said that, there are some huge advantages to doing competitive research. The first is you can see their product pricing. You can also see their SKUs and maybe figure out their manufacturer to sell the product yourself. You can see their homepage and how they organize their products. You can also see shipping, refunds and privacy policies and a whole lot more. There's a lot you can learn from your competitors, but one of the most important benefits is learning about their products and how they could be improved. I encourage you to read dozens or maybe even hundreds of reviews of your competitor products. These reviews can sometimes just be a complaint or preference, but while you're…
