From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

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Collect and promote social proof

Collect and promote social proof

From the course: Ecommerce Fundamentals

Collect and promote social proof

- One of the easiest types of content to create is user generated content, or UGC. User generated content is authentic. Readers often find it more trustworthy than the official information, and it helps users overcome the reservations and get through the checkout. The first thing that you can do to remove visitors' concerns about purchasing is to collect and promote reviews. Let users leave reviews and let them add photos and videos to their reviews. They can highlight features they love, and they can occasionally point out little flaws. If you've never handled reviews before, it can be intimidating, but when you let your users leave reviews they help other visitors believe that you have a credible product and that your product is worth buying. This is called social proof. Social proof is a psychological phenomenon wherein people copy the actions of others when they're unsure about the right course of action. An example of…
