From the course: Drupal 9 Essential Training: 2 Content and Fields

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Modifying the article content type

Modifying the article content type

- [Instructor] All right, so finally, let's update the article content type to reflect the fact that we want to use it as a news and press release style content type. I've left this one to the end because I wanted to get us used to creating content types. But now we're going to see that we can actually change a content type, adding new fields, taking fields away and making it do what we want. All right, let's dive in. Now you might remember we already have a couple of articles, that's not going to be a problem. So head over to Structure, Content Types, and Article, and Manage Fields. Now you remember we already have a title, a body, comments which we'll leave, image, and tags. And I just want to to talk briefly about tags. As you remember, we added tags to our first two article nodes. If I click on one of the tags, it takes me to a page that's actually a taxonomy landing page with the 10 most recent nodes tagged with…
