From the course: Driving Sustainability at Your Organization

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Water efficiencies and conservation

Water efficiencies and conservation

- Did you know one of the most significant risks to businesses worldwide is water scarcity? Climate change is exacerbating droughts, causing water shortages around the world and disrupting business continuity. Although the impacts are more severe for certain businesses, such as food and beverage and electronics manufacturers, all businesses are affected by water restrictions and associated rising costs. In this lesson, I'm going to identify some of the impacts of water scarcity on businesses and show you ways to conserve water, implement water efficiencies, and create a more waterwise business. Deforestation and carbon emissions are causing extreme heat days and mega droughts, which are depleting aquifers and contaminating water. This is causing business and supply chain disruptions, mandatory water restrictions, and rising costs. Clearly, the availability of clean, reliable water is vital to your business, especially if it's heavily reliant upon it. Conserving water and implementing…
