From the course: Driving Sustainability at Your Organization

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Waste and pollution reduction

Waste and pollution reduction

- Have you noticed the steady proliferation of plastic waste in the environment? I certainly have, and it drives me bananas. It truly has become an all hands on deck situation. Of the billions of tons of plastic waste generated globally, what percent do you think is actually recycled? Do you think bioplastics are the solution? And what are the essential steps to becoming a zero waste business? In this lesson, I'm going to answer these questions and present you with some alarming facts about recycling. I'll also give you a roadmap to begin reducing waste at your workplace and get you on the path towards zero waste, but let's start with some rather depressing facts about recycling. Although about 90% of cardboard, 75% of aluminum, and 68% of paper is recycled globally, only 35% of glass and less than 10% of plastics are recycled. Plastic pollution is especially concerning, as most plastics are made from fossil fuels and chemicals that are contaminating our soils, groundwater, ocean, and…
