From the course: Driving Sustainability at Your Organization

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Sustainability across sectors

Sustainability across sectors

- Any size business of any sector, almost anywhere on Earth can be transformed into a sustainable business. Even the fossil fuel industry and the mining industry can innovate and transition to renewable energy and reuse materials in their operations to become sustainable. In this lesson, you'll become knowledgeable about what's most relevant for key business sectors of different sizes and locations so you can begin transforming your business. Sustainability measures applicable to office and retail establishments of any size are applicable to all types of businesses. For instance, all businesses should have a waste reduction, reuse, and recycling system in place. Likewise, sustainable businesses must also have sustainability related policies, energy and water efficiency measures, carbon emission reduction and pollution prevention plans, sustainable transportation incentives, and social sustainability measures in place. Transitioning to paperless operations and 100% renewable energy are…
