From the course: Driving Sustainability at Your Organization

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Identify and engage your stakeholders

Identify and engage your stakeholders

- I'll never forget the backlash I received from a Chamber of Commerce official when I proposed a sustainable business certification program to my community's city council. I realized my mistake by not engaging the chamber first, given its role as a key community stakeholder. Thankfully, the chamber came around after I communicated the benefits of such a program to local businesses. The lesson I learned is to be successful in any endeavor, you must know your stakeholders, and understand their pain points and priorities. In this lesson, I'm going to help you identify your key sustainability stakeholders, how to learn about their concerns, perspectives, and priorities, and how to strategically engage with them and develop lasting buy-in. First, identify your company's internal and external stakeholders. They are your leadership, employees, customers, and communities. For larger firms, they also include the board of directors, investors, regulators, and suppliers. Next, conduct a…
