From the course: Driving Sustainability at Your Organization

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Energy efficiencies and renewables

Energy efficiencies and renewables

- [Instructor] Do you know the difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency? Do you think renewable energy costs more than non-renewable? Have you heard of electrification or energy resilience? In this lesson, I'm going to address these basic energy-related questions and give you a roadmap so you can begin reducing your business's energy costs and associated greenhouse gases and work toward energy resilience. So what's the big deal about saving energy? Well, it conserves natural resources and reduces pollution, and is one of the most effective ways for businesses to reduce operational costs. Energy conservation is reducing energy consumption by using less of it. Examples include turning off lights and electronics when they're not in use, and putting on or taking off your sweater instead of turning up the heat or air conditioning. Energy efficiency is the process of reducing the amount of energy needed to provide the same amount of output. Examples include insulation…
