From the course: Driving Sustainability at Your Organization

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Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility

- Did you know the concept of corporate social responsibility dates back to the 1950s? It gained traction in the 1960s on the heels of the Civil Rights Movement. As social unrest reached a boiling point, the need to build a more just society with tangible social goods became widely acknowledged and supported. In response, some corporations began to take unprecedented stances in support of social justice. Another surge in CSR programming happened in 2020 in the wake of George Floyd's murder, which sparked widespread public outcry about the urgent need to address systemic racism and income inequality. In this lesson, I'm going to share with you the fundamental social aspects of sustainability so you're able to take the necessary steps toward building a CSR program. CSR is a socially ethical business management framework focused on supporting employees and enhancing local communities and society at large. Internally, CSR includes workforce wellness programming. Externally, programming is…
