From the course: Driving Sustainability at Your Organization

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Healthy ecosystems = healthy businesses

Healthy ecosystems = healthy businesses

- Pop quiz. What's the world's largest carbon sink? If you don't know, you'll find out in this lesson. If you do know the answer, stay tuned anyway, as I'm going to introduce you to other essential sustainability terms and real world examples to provide you with the foundational knowledge you need to begin transforming your business into an environmentally and socially responsible operation. Okay, so the first term you need to have in your sustainability toolbox is ecosystem, and ecosystem is a community of living organisms that interact with and depend upon each other. The components of ecosystems are linked together through nutrient cycles and energy flows, and support soil formation, pollination, waste decomposition, and carbon sequestration. It's important to remember that Earth itself is a finite ecosystem with a limited amount of biocapacity. Another key sustainability term is greenhouse gases, which trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere and cause global warming. Carbon dioxide is…
