From the course: Driving Organizational Accountability for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

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What DEIB looks like in practice

What DEIB looks like in practice

- One size does not fit all. This statement applies to so many things in life, but also holds true when thinking about establishing organizational DEIB metrics and goals. The key factor to consider is demographics. Reviewing your organization's demographics by level and department will help you identify the gaps. Some departments may lack diversity by gender identity or age. Others may lack diversity by race or education. So drilling down into the data is an important first step before setting out to establish companywide goals. We talked earlier about the importance of mid-level managers in the DEIB journey of organizations. One thing we don't want to do is hold them accountable for unrealistic goals and expectations. Understanding where each department lacks diversity will help when seeking buy-in from managers of those departments. This simple step in the process will reduce managers' resistance to change and potential…
