From the course: Driving Organizational Accountability for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

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Tailoring considerations to match your organization's needs

Tailoring considerations to match your organization's needs

- Well, you did it. Congratulations on completing the course. I hope you now have the understanding that DEIB work within organizations will not result in overnight success. This work is truly a marathon and it will look different and unique for each organization. What works well for one company may not work well for another based on where they're located or what their growth plans are for the next year and beyond. So many factors must be taken into consideration before you develop and start a successful and sustainable DEIB strategy. Remember, this journey is yours to build and own. I'm a big fan of the same comparison as a thief of joy. And when we compare ourselves or our organization, to others, we may feel like we're failing or we're not doing enough or that we're just not successful. But the complete opposite may be true. You're unique and so is your organization. So I encourage you to focus on your own journey and…
