From the course: Driving Organizational Accountability for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

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Exit interviews and their significance in DEIB work

Exit interviews and their significance in DEIB work

- Have you ever experienced bad service or food at a restaurant? But instead of sharing your feedback immediately, you made a personal vow to just never eat there again. What if I told you that your feedback could help prevent another customer from having that same experience? Would you be more comfortable sharing your feedback before leaving the restaurant or at a later point in time? Well, getting feedback from employees exiting your organization can prove to be an excellent resource of DEIB information and feedback. Unfortunately, some underrepresented employees may not feel they can provide open and honest feedback about their true experience working for the company, or for a particular manager to human resources or other company leaders while they're still employed. And they may only provide neutral responses to employee engagement surveys, if they feel they can be easily identified through their responses or comments.…
