From the course: Driving Organizational Accountability for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

Dive deeper into your DEIB initiatives

- I often hear from clients who are confused about what's next in their diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging journey, also known as DEIB. This is the question that gets me the most excited about this work. They've done the training, they've increased diverse demographics, they've set goals, they have a DEIB Committee. It looks like everything's been done, right? But now what? Well, let's dig into that question further. During our time together, we will explore strategies to help truly embed DEIB throughout the organization, going beyond the introductory steps of training and increasing representation because it really is so much more than that. Hi, I'm Dr. Tana M. Session, and I'm the author of "Organizational Accountability for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging." I'm a DEIB strategist and consultant, and have over 30 years of Human Resources experience. I'm truly passionate about transforming cultures and creating workplaces that are safe, equitable, and inclusive for all employees. I've had the honor and privilege of partnering with several private and public organizations across multiple industries as they embark on their DEIB journey. And now, I get to share some of my passion with you. I'm so excited to deliver this course to you. Some of the topics we will cover in the upcoming videos will include discussing the challenges to successfully implementing DEIB initiatives. We will also cover strategies on how to ensure DEIB accountability exists throughout the organization. As well as the role of employee resource groups, annual surveys, and highlight the appropriate metrics to track to help measure success throughout the DEIB strategy. Whether you're new in your DEIB role, an organizational or people leader, or an employee who is truly interested in the success of your organization's DEIB journey, I know you will find actionable steps you can take to help move the organization beyond what's next. Now, you'll hear me say this a few times throughout the course, but as you embark on this path, it's important to remember that DEIB work is truly a marathon, not a sprint. Embedding DEIB throughout your entire corporate ecosystem, that's people, management, customers, vendors, community, will take time. The DEIB strategy is a vital part of the overall business strategy. So, you have to be in it for the long term, even when you feel there's little progress being made or you're just exhausted and overwhelmed from the amount of work involved to be successful and sustainable. But trust me, it is possible when you have the right components of your DEIB strategy working together. Are you ready to go on this journey with me? I'll be here with you every step of the way, so let's get started.
