From the course: Driving Organizational Accountability for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

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Customer diversity, experience, loyalty, and DEIB

Customer diversity, experience, loyalty, and DEIB

- These days, consumers are very savvy, socially conscious, and more empowered than ever before. Between 24-hour access to information online, to crowdsourcing for feedback directly from other consumers, we now want to and are more capable of learning more about organizations' internal practices. So why should this concern organizational leaders as they're developing and implementing a DEIB strategy? Consider this, many consumers want to see representation that reflects who they are in the marketing, advertising, and promotions. When there's a lack of representation, the consumer may question if the company's products or services are really for them. One of my clients experienced an increase in women of color using their hair products shortly after they diversified their print and TV ads to include more women of color. They made this very intentional change very quickly after receiving feedback from non-white women who wanted…
