From the course: Drawing Foundations: Light and Shadow

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Final project: Finishing the project

Final project: Finishing the project

So now with the white chalk, we can just start to bring up some of the real highlights in the drawing So as I start to introduce the white chalk, I'm being quite light with it and I'm just hatching it across the head. And this is really handy to just start to bring out those highlights on the face. Now I have the white in, it's easier for me to the judge the tones that were first established by the tonal paper. Then when I jump my eyes between two, I can see if I need to go a bit lighter on some areas or darker on others. So here, instead of looking for the shadow shapes I did before in the cast shadow, I'm looking for the blocks of light shapes, so this good triangular block on the front of the nose, that's what I'm concentrating on. And by using areas of white across the entire image, and again, this comes back to the actual choice of images that you use. I've got this nice flow of white around the whole piece, which matches nicely with the real strong darks in the actual…
