From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

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Marketing on TikTok

Marketing on TikTok

- [Instructor] Imagine if a TV station knew its audience so well, it could curate a custom lineup of shows that would keep its viewers glued to the screen. Add in a dash of social sharing and you have the secret to TikTok's success. So, how can your brand engage customers on the platform? Well, let's talk about what you can do. Once you set up a TikTok for Business account you can select your goals, audience, budget, and campaign type all from an easy to use platform. You'll find several paid options to choose from including topview ads, which are kind of like brand takeovers and appear at the start of the For You page. In feed ads are placed between organic videos and you can sponsor a branded hashtag challenge or create shareable branded effects like stickers and AR filters. With TikTok's new Pulse Premium, you can place ads right next to trending hashtags. And you can target topics like beauty, fashion, and gaming, and…
