From the course: Develop, Grow, Launch, and Support Your ERG

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Messaging and Communication

Messaging and Communication

- One of the biggest game changers in the world of technology, was the development of algorithms, that target advertising to a specific audience. These ads aim to find you where you are, and show you a product you want, at a time when you can take advantage of it. These are some of the core principles of good marketing. So how can you make principles that have worked so well for advertisers work for you? Well, you have to find your audience. Show them something they want. And time it, so that they can access it easily. So let's talk about how you find your audience. HR is actually a great place to start. They may be aware of identity based contact lists. They may have had conversations with people that have expressed interest in developing an ERG. They also may be able to help you identify possible sponsors. Another great place to look, are organizational communication channels. That may already have…
